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October 20, 2007
Yearbooks Online Will Bring Your Alumni Back To Your Website!
I say it all the time, but I'll say it again: our behaviors are changing and we are becoming a digital society. We like our content online, when we want it - anyplace, anytime. One of your challenges is to continually add content to your online community that will engage, connect, and encourage your alumni to keep coming back. We've shared some techniques for adding content to your online community in pervious blog postings, but I wanted to give you another idea. Ramapo College of New Jersey is a terrific example of this idea. So, what am I talking about? Putting your yearbooks online!
Ramapo College of New Jersey has designed their online yearbook website so you can easily click on the year you want to view. Alumni love memorabilia and being able to view their yearbooks online increases their feelings of nostalgia. It's a fantastic method for connecting to your alumni! Take a look through Ramapo College's online yearbooks and you'll quickly see the benefits. If you want to bring your alumni back to your website - scan those yearbooks!
This is a simple way to get started. Simply scan a dozen pictures of each book and then over time, gradually add more photos. As you continue to develop this strategy, you can also add technology to allow alumni to post their own photos, comment on the photos, and rate the photos. When you give your alumni the opportunity to connect with each other, you're increasing the potential of your online community, alumni participation, and alumni giving.
Ramapo College of New Jersey has reminded us how you can take small steps to get a project noticed. Before too long, they'll have more photos and more years captured online for their alumni to view. What about you? Have you considered putting your yearbooks online? I think you should!
Posted by Don Philabaum on October 20, 2007 at 03:56 PM | Permalink
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