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October 26, 2007

Promote Your MySpace Page On Your Alumni Website!

How many visitors do you have at your alumni website?  Why not remind them that you have your own MySpace page?  Besides, MySpace is huge, so many of your alumni are probably already familiar with it.  In fact, many of them likely have their own page and are visiting MySpace on a regular basis anyway.  Why not combine that visit with a visit to your MySpace page?  When your alumni register on your MySpace page, you have another opportunity to share content, news, and other information, but in this case - from a different source. 

My goal would be to get 100 percent of my alumni also registered on my MySpace page for that very reason.  It's all about marketing!  The more ways you can reach someone from delivery channels, the more successful your campaigns will be.  It's definitely something to think about and put into practice.  MySpace is a powerful tool, and if you already have a page there, it only makes sense to advertise that on your alumni website. 

Having said that, Fayetteville State University is one of the first I've run across that has actually placed their MySpace logo on their alumni site.  They encourage their alumni to visit their MySpace page by posting the link, along with an invitation to FSU Alumni and Friends.  And on their MySpace page, they encourage visitors to check out their website.  Both sites complement each other and, even more importantly - will drive traffic in both directions.

So, if you already have a MySpace page, think about ways you can use it to complement your alumni website, and vice versa.  If you don't already have a MySpace page - what are you waiting for?  MySpace is easy to learn, free of charge, has lots of great tools, and gives you the opportunity to create a network easily.  Taking advantage of both your alumni website and your MySpace page is a fantastic way to communicate and connect to and with your alumni!

Posted by Don Philabaum on October 26, 2007 at 12:06 AM | Permalink


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