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October 30, 2007
Honor Alumni and Increase Contributions!
You've heard me say it before - but I'm going to say it again. Recognizing your alumni for their achievements on your alumni website isn't just nice; it is very, very smart! Marshall University has developed an engaging front page of their campus website that could easily be used for alumni associations to recognize alumni achievements. Take a look!
Marshall University's website front page shows HUGE images of smiling student faces scrolling across the screen. Viewers have the ability to click on any one of the pictures, and when they do, a short story the person wants to tell pops up. It's engaging, involving, and it focuses on the people of Marshall University. It's a terrific method!
You can do the same on your alumni website! After all, this is what your alumni association is all about: GREAT PEOPLE doing GREAT THINGS! Capitalize on this, and you'll soon find plenty of alumni with stories to tell, and plenty of alumni who will come to the website regularly to check the focused alumni out and read their stories. When you do this, not only will you be developing a way to make your alumni "stars," but you'll be showing all of your alumni that your association is fun.
Check out this concept by visiting Marshall University's website. Then, begin thinking about how you could highlight and honor your alumni. You could do one alum per week, two, three, or more! This technique can be used in many different ways, and all would bring success. You will increase alumni satisfaction, interest, and contributions!
Let me know your ideas as you mull this over. And, if you create something similar, post a link - I'd love to go check it out. Making heroes of your alumni is a concept I am 100 percent behind - and you should be too!
Posted by Don Philabaum on October 30, 2007 at 07:20 AM | Permalink
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