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July 01, 2007
Head Start Anniversary Commemoration Steering Committee - Yearbook or ONLINE?
Every once in a while, we find an idea that we think is appropriate for the worst practice bucket, and we think this idea definitely belongs there. The 40th Head Start Anniversary Commemoration Steering Committee plans to publish its signature yearbook, "CNMI Head Start - 40 Years History," for their upcoming anniversary celebration on July 28, 2007. It's a nice idea, but is there a better way in today's technological age?
While they are using the Internet to generate help from the public, they are not planning to create an online directory. They need the assistance from the public because the building that housed their records caught on fire, and most of the records were lost. Therefore, the committee is requesting photos, information, and any historical stories to include in the book.
Once they have enough data, the committee plans to publish a limited edition memorabilia yearbook to sell to individuals. So, what's wrong with this? It just seems that a lot of time and effort is being put into a book that has to be printed. Why not create an online community environment where everyone could post and share information? An online directory would allow others to reconnect, to re-build bonds, and to share their memories.
Taking this a bit further, they could have message boards for people to discuss specific historical stories and memories, and they could post photos for discussion. So many positive things happen when people are given a way to talk, to connect, and to let history speak.
While the idea of selling a signature yearbook is certainly one filled with a lot of promise - why not give those that are contributing the chance to really connect?
Posted by Don Philabaum on July 1, 2007 at 01:14 PM | Permalink
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